Friday, April 11, 2003


THE COMING SPIN: You can see it now. Chaos. Looting. Disorder. Losing the peace. It's not that there won't be some truth to these stories; and real cause for concern. The pent-up fury, frustration and sheer anger of three decades is a powerful thing, probably impossible to stop immediately without too much force. And the last thing we want is fire-power directed toward the celebrating masses. The trouble is that they could become the narrative of the story, especially among the usual media suspects, and erode the impact and power of April 9. By Sunday, or sooner, you-know-who will probably have a front-page "news analysis" that will describe the joy of liberation being transformed into the nightmare of a Hobbesian quicksand of ever-looming cliches.

--Andrew Sullivan in his blog shortly after midnight last night

Yes, God forbid the narrative should turn to what's actually happening in Iraq right now. Fortunately, right-thinking Americans -- and Americans manqué like Sullivan -- will do their patriotic duty and ensure that the narrative focuses, as it should, on Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, and Perle and their glorious triumph over Howell Raines, Susan Sontag, and the BBC (Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation).

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