Monday, March 22, 2021


Oh, please.
Former President Donald Trump is coming back to social media -- but this time with his own network, a Trump spokesperson told Fox News on Sunday.

Jason Miller, a long-time adviser and spokesperson for Trump's 2020 campaign told Howard Kurtz on Fox's "MediaBuzz" that Trump will be "returning to social media in probably about two or three months." He added Trump's return will be with "his own platform" that will attract "tens of millions" of new users and "completely redefine the game."

"This is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media," Miller told Kurtz. "It's going to completely redefine the game, and everybody is going to be waiting and watching to see what President Trump does, but it will be his own platform."

Miller said during his appearance on Fox News that the former president has been approached by numerous companies and is in talks with teams about the new platform.

"This new platform is going to be big," Miller said on Sunday. "Everyone wants him and he's going to bring millions and millions -- tens of millions -- to this platform."
I believe that Trump has been working ... on the wording of Miller's announcement. The announcement is pure Trump. I'm sure he dictated it to Miller (although if Trump had been reciting this himself, he would have said, "millions and millions -- tens of millions, even more than tens of millions").

But give me a break. This is the Trump healthcare plan all over again.
In June 2018, Trump said he would unveil a health-care plan “in a very short period of time.”

By April 2019, Trump said he would not call for a vote on the yet-to-be-revealed health-care plan until after the 2020 election.

The following month, Trump said the plan would be out “over the next four weeks.”

Nearly four weeks later, Trump said the “phenomenal” plan would come “in about two months.”

And nearly two months later, Trump said the yet-to-be-revealed plan would be implemented if Republicans retake the House in 2020.

Throughout his presidency, everything was always two to three weeks away.

It's the same "two to three" formulation -- it's just "months" this time.

No one's reported on any social media mogul visits to Mar-a-Lago. No one's reported any Trump hires of executives for an enterprise like this.

It'll never happen. Of course he'd like to crush Twitter and Facebook, in revenge. But that would require work. It would require learning the industry. That would cut into precious golfing and TV-watching time.

It's an idle threat. He'll never do it.