Tuesday, March 01, 2011


Tim Pawlenty, seemingly a mild-mannered guy, tried to make up for his natural personality traits in January by releasing a campaign ad that wanted to be a Michael Bay action picture. His newest ad, a paean to the tea party movement, is (at least in its first half) more soft-spoken -- but I see that, about 25 seconds in, he includes a shot of a rally in which one demonstrator holds a sign reading WE'LL SHOVE IT UP YOUR [picture of a donkey] IN NOVEMBER:

Here's the sign:

Really, Tim?

This ad was done by pros. A pro should have spotted that sign and kept it out of the frame, or used another shot -- assuming the intention was to avoid giving offense. So I assume the intention was not to avoid giving offense.

Fine, Tim -- you're a really, really tough guy. You kick ass. Happy now?

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