Who will lead Republicans out of the wilderness? I know -- this guy will!
Former Tennessee senator and presidential candidate Fred Thompson will launch his nationwide radio talk show on March 2, opening with 125 stations, according to the Westwood One syndicate....
I'm going to go way, way out on a limb here and predict that Thompson will say exactly the same things all the other Obama critics are saying, with perhaps a few more metaphors involving domesticated swine. I'm also going to stick my neck out here and predict that he'll have no impact whatsoever on non-conservative public opinion in this country.
So, when do you think he'll get his cover story in The New York Times Magazine proclaiming him the surprising new leader of a reenergized GOP?
ESPECIALLY BECAUSE: His wife is on a right-wing knockoff of The View ... that's produced by Pajamas Media! You just know Matt Bai or Zev Chafets would be impressed by that.