Thursday, September 04, 2008


Anybody else think McCain might play the William Ayers card tonight?

He does like headline-grabbing surprises, as we now know. And, as this Politico story makes clear, it wouldn't be out of character for him to launch this kind of attack at a Republican convention:

... in 2004, McCain electrified the audience at New York's Madison Square Garden by denouncing "disingenuous filmmaker" Michael Moore while the creator of "Fahrenheit 9/11" was, unbeknownst to McCain, sitting in the gallery in his role as a guest columnist for USA Today.

McCain’s rising crescendo of a close -- "We're Americans. We'll never surrender. They will" -- was so powerful that his campaign has made it a staple of its videos and ads this year....

He'd be the guy to do it because he could say the Weatherman bombings happened around the time he was in the Hanoi Hilton. And tonight is the night he'd want this to be brought up because it's a transitional night for the campaign, a night he might want to use to kick his campaign into a sub-gutter even lower and nastier than the gutter it's in now.

This isn't a prediction -- it's just a hunch. But if it happens, I won't be surprised.