Friday, February 13, 2004

So why did Congressman Mark Souder of Indiana recently invite Mike Haley to testify on faith-based initiatives? Haley works for the far-right Focus on the Family, which doesn't take any federal funds. To be specific, Haley travels the country proselytizing for the "ex-gay" movement as Focus's "Manager of Gender Issues." So what wisdom did he have to offer the committee?

A press release from a pro-gay-conversion group explains, sort of:

Although Focus does not accept federal funds, Mike Haley explained to the subcommittee that he offers a unique insight into the causes and recovery of the homosexual condition because he lived as a gay activist for 12 years.

OK -- and the federal government should be interested in this for what reason exactly? Is someone perhaps hoping to send federal funds to those who claim to be able to "cure" homosexuals, if that can be arranged?

Incidentally, this college newspaper says Haley's "ex" status is not exactly 100%:

Haley admitted that reparative therapy has not worked for everyone and that he is still tempted by homosexuality.

"I will never be as though I never was," he said. "But I had an unmet emotional need that was sexualized, now my needs are met appropriately."

Whatever you say, Mike.