We get just about every catalog in creation at the Nice Blog household, but we were a bit surprised to get this one today: Crossings -- or, rather, Crossings by Smith & Wesson.
No, there aren't any guns in the catalog. There are one or two knives. Mostly it's knickknacks and "collectibles" (love that genuine cowboy boot lamp) and yuppified Western wear of a kind that wouldn't be out of place in, say, the Sundance catalog.
Now, you may recall that a few years ago Smith & Wesson cut a deal with the Clinton White House under which the company would be dropped from gun suits and would abide by a set of restrictions on its sales (e.g., it wouldn't sell guns at any gun show where dealers didn't do background checks). When that agreement was announced, gun fetishists went, er, ballistic. A highly effective boycott began. You don't mess with gun fetishists.
And now, of course, the occupant of the White House is the NRA's best friend. There's a strong likelihood of a pro-gun Democratic nominee for president in Howard Dean, and every other Dem in the race desperately trying to tap into that NASCAR/Toby Keith/gunrack vote. Yet S&W is still apparently trying to appeal to us soft-underbellied, Clinton-voting gun-grabber scum. I wish 'em luck with this, but I think, alas, they're misreading the zeitgeist.