Friday, November 14, 2003

A town in Georgia that made guns mandatory now makes God mandatory:

Kennesaw's motto is "Freedom First," but perhaps the council should consider "Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."

The Kennesaw City Council's recent decision to pass a resolution supporting government's recognition of God appears to have played well on Main Street. Several locals said they agreed with the measure.

Mayor Leonard Church proposed the law on the eve of his Nov. 4 re-election, and won in a landslide.

The city of about 20,000 first put itself on the national political map more than 20 years ago by passing a resolution requiring homeowners to own guns and ammo -- an ordinance adopted as a reply to an Illinois town that banned handguns.

The God resolution was passed to lend support to other communities throughout the South that are installing religious displays in public buildings. The resolution was adopted "to urge all American citizens to proclaim to every level of government . . . its responsibility to publicly recognize God as the foundation of our national heritage." The measure passed unanimously as a crowd of more than 100 urged the council on....

--Atlanta Journal-Constitution

But, as these folks are always at pains to point out, they proclaim faith in God in the name of the government, but they tolerate divergent views ... don't they?

Jerry Davis, 60, said he supports the God measure, too. Though he does not live in the city,Davis has owned Kennesaw Motors in downtown Kennesaw for more than 30 years.

"It's good to support God," Davis said.

"People who don't like that [resolution] should be shipped back to wherever they came from."