Letter to Newsweek:
When someone like Barbra Streisand and her liberal, anti-Republican friends get their way, it’s all about artistic freedom and the First Amendment. When they do not get their way, it’s considered censorship and an evil plot by Republicans and conservative zealots determined to trample free speech. No major network nor any members of the Hollywood crowd have come up with “The Clintons.” Considering the track record of Bill and Hillary, the titillation factors would be astronomical. Instead, CBS came up with a fictionalized smear of one of our most popular presidents. Pitiful indeed.
Don Potts
Ft. Mill, S.C.
No one in Hollywood has come up with The Clintons? Er, Don, remember a little flick called Primary Colors? Do you think that was made by samizdat right-wingers shooting on the cheap on digital video, always looking over their shoulders in anticipation of arrest by jackbooted thugs from the DNC Political Correctness Police?