Thursday, November 13, 2003

The headline says,

NBC Poll: Bush stops the bleeding

A sidebar caption says,

Nov. 12 -- The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows a spike in President Bush’s approval ratings but concern over the costs of Iraq. NBC’s Tim Russert discusses the poll with NBC’s Tom Brokaw.

The first paragraph of the article says,

Nov. 12 —   President Bush’s approval ratings are taking a turn for the better, boosted by a recovering economy that has driven unemployment claims to the lowest point of his presidency, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.  

But paragraph #2 says,

THE POLL of 1,003 adults by Hart/Teeter Associates of Washington found Bush’s overall job approval rating at 51 percent. That was essentially unchanged from the same poll in September, indicating that the White House is succeeding in stopping a precipitous fall in the president’s support from a near-record high of 88 percent one year ago.

So, for Bush, it's "a spike" and "a turn for the better" when his numbers are "essentially unchanged."

Oh, the liberal media....

(Go to Polling Report for a visual representation of the non-spike, and for the real numbers: 49% approval in September, 51% now, essentially indistinguishable approval ratings given the poll's plus-or-minus-3.1% margin of error.)