Try to imagine Fox News or The Washington Times or the New York Post or Rush Limbaugh doing a feature story on someone who was a big part of the Dr. Laura boycott -- and not just a story, but a completely positive story, with no scorn for the boycott and warm-fuzzy details about the profiled boycotter.
Unimaginable. But here's the "liberal media" equivalent from yesterday's New York Times, a profile of the guy whose Web site was a big part of the movement to get the TV movie about the Reagans removed from broadcast TV. Listen up, Ann Coulter and Andrew Sullivan: here's a sample of the Times's ideologically pure left-wing invective:
Mr. Paranzino, 37, is too modest to take all the credit, but he can scarcely believe the mountain he has moved from the cluttered downstairs den of his suburban Washington home, where he and his son, Cameron, 2, click away on side-by-side desktop computers. Each computer is now choked with the hundreds of thousands of e-mail messages that became a critical part of the campaign against CBS, and hundreds more pour in by the hour.
"I'm happy. I'm excited. But there's still a problem that it's on Showtime," Mr. Paranzino said on Thursday as Cameron connected numbered dots on a Sesame Street software program. "I'm grateful that it's not going into 110 million homes as it would have on CBS. But it's still a smear of a great American leader on a network that'll reach 15 million homes, and I'm still getting hundreds of e-mails telling me, `Don't stop, keep the movement alive.' "
Coulter, Sullivan, and others who describe the Times as ideologically rigid, as analogous to the conservative press or right-wing talk radio, are lying to you.