Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Earlier today I cited BuzzFlash's story about the ties between Newt Gingrich and William Novelli, head of AARP. Well, now, following up on Novelli's endorsement of the Medicare bill, here's Newt:

Gingrich Rallies Support for House Medicare Vote

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich returned to Capitol Hill on Wednesday to drum up support for a Medicare reform bill and calm the fiscal fears of conservatives in the U.S. House before a vote on the measure.

Gingrich made Medicare reform a key plank of his so-called Republican revolution in the mid-1990s, igniting a debate that continues to this day about the future of the popular but expensive health program for America's elderly.

...Gingrich spoke to House Republicans behind closed doors, but lawmakers said he pointed out the bill's "historic significance" and attempted to put a conservative seal of approval on the deal....