I figure it's going take about an hour, tops, before someone on the right says the plot would have succeeded if Ned Lamont were in the Senate.
Incidentally, I've long been on record as being objectively pro-law enforcement breaking up terrorist plots to murder civilians. This is uncontroversial on the left -- we want the authorities to stop these people -- but in the debased political culture the Right has foisted on America, we actually have to say this. I know there's a freaking war on, you idiots. Toppling Saddam wasn't part of it. Breaking up this plot is.
(The New Yorker article cited in the link actually is online, contrary to what I say there; it's here, and I recommend it.)
UPDATE: Whoops, I missed this from Dick Cheney:
...The thing that's partly disturbing about it is the fact that, the standpoint of our adversaries, if you will, in this conflict, and the al Qaeda types, they clearly are betting on the proposition that ultimately they can break the will of the American people in terms of our ability to stay in the fight and complete the task. And when we see the Democratic Party reject one of its own, a man they selected to be their vice presidential nominee just a few short years ago, it would seem to say a lot about the state the party is in today if that's becoming the dominant view of the Democratic Party, the basic, fundamental notion that somehow we can retreat behind our oceans and not be actively engaged in this conflict and be safe here at home, which clearly we know we won't -- we can't be....
UPDATE: Steve Benen at the Carpetbagger Report links right-wing blogs that tie the terror plot to the Lamont win -- and he also notes that a certain presidential candidate in 2004 praised law enforcement as a weapon against terrorism, while another one mocked it.
UPDATE: In the race to the gutter, Lucianne Goldberg always gives 110%:

UPDATE: I guess we don't need to wander to the seedy side of town where the right-wing bloggers live when we can go visit that nice Joe Lieberman himself and learn from him that a Lamont victory means terrorists will blow up airplanes.