Notice something wrong with the headline? It doesn't refer to Abedin as Clinton's "Closest Aide." The word used is "Closet."
That's also true on the Fox Nation homepage:
The FN thread links back to an opinion piece at, where the word in the headline is "closest" -- but the word in the article's URL is "closet" (the URL is I assume that means the headline originally contained the word "closet" as well.
On the Fox News Facebook page, which links to the version of the article, the headline includes the word "Closet."
And it's "closet" on this page from the site of Fox's affiliate in Bangor, Maine.
Now remember, this is the same Fox News that routinely used the "(D)" label to identify Republicans involved in sex scandals (Mark Foley, Mark Sanford, Larry Craig) until the habit was pointed out by critics. Fox regularly broadcasts charts and graphs that are skewed in a way intended to make Democrats look bad. And in 2008, when a story appeared in The New York Times that rubbed Fox executives the wrong way, insultingly Photoshopped headshots of the story's author and editor appeared on Fox & Friends.

So you tell me whether the use of the word "Closet" was an accident.