I see from Charlie Pierce's account of the Sarah Palin CPAC speech that she took the opportunity to promote Amazing America, the new hunting-and-fishing show she's doing for the Sportsman Channel. The promo included (naturally) a political attack:
[Palin] did, in fact, manage to work in a plug for her next inevitably cancelled television show, citing "the places where most of the people who do the working and tax-paying live...and that's where you'll find... AMAZING AMERICA!" The folks at the Very Big Fish Channel or whatever it is must be thrilled.So she says her hunting-and-fishing show will be set in "the places where most of the people who do the working and tax-paying"? Really?
Palin may not know this, but the federal government actually keeps track of the places where people (and corporations) do most of the taxpaying. In fact, if you go to the Wikipedia page titled "Federal Tax Revenue by State" and sort the 2012 chart by "Revenue per capita," you get this list (based on Census Bureau data) of the top ten states (D.C. excluded) where per-capita tax revenue is highest:
DelawareAnd here are the bottom ten states -- the states (excluding the territory of Puerto Rico) where per capita federal tax revenue is lowest:
New Jersey
Rhode Island
New York
West VirginiaWhich of those do you think more closely resembles the likely list of Amazing America location shoots? Ya think Palin is right about the connection between economic activity and outdoorsiness?
New Mexico
South Carolina

Well, consider what she's fishing for:
And most of those states that produce the least revenue, fit that category.
Hey, give "The Whore of Babblin'-on" some credit!
She caught two pretty big fish - Kristol and McCain!
So, unlike other subjects, it appears that she actually knows how to reel in some suckers!!!
Steve, do you think she actually doesn't know that such information is available, or she just doesn't care, or she just doesn't care because she's sufficiently canny to know that the kind of people who do know and might actually look it up are liberals, and might as well be the walking dead from her perspective?
Victor, "Bottom-feeders" and "Whore of Babblin-on: You made my morning.
Good! :-)
I came back, because I forgot to thank Steve for this title - straight from an "Andrew's Sister's" song!
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