Wednesday, November 04, 2009

After the Dog Catches the Car.

Can anyone tell me just how long after Christie is sworn in before he screws up, well...massively? Christie's history is replete with examples of the most naked, and stupid, fraud, malfeasance, and corruption. I'm sure New Jersey is no stranger to all those things--and look at what Giuliani and Kerik got away with for years--but those two loveable rogues had a lot more going for them than Christie does. Christie is going to make some giant, public, errors and he isn't going to have Bush's DOJ to cover for him. How long before he's caught shtupping an employee, ordering the State Troopers to cover for him, looting the treasury or otherwise committing some extremely obvious illegality? Oh, and look for him to consider running for President in 2012--no one really wants to be Governor of New Jersey.


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