Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Laura Rozen at War and Piece notes that FEMA no longer lists Pat Robertson's Operation Blessing as a recommended Katrina charity. She provides a screen shot of the list that used to be at the FEMA link; in addition to that, I found live links to this August 29 press release (English) and this one from September 2 (Spanish).

By the way, FEMA also recommended that people donate to Operation Blessing in the wake of 9/11. It's not clear whether the list was compiled before or after Robertson and Jerry Falwell declared on television that 9/11 was caused by abortion, homosexuality, and the ACLU, but the organization was never de-listed.

Also, Rush Limbaugh's people now seem to have actually made tickets available for his upcoming Katrina-benefit live show. However, he's still suggesting you give to Operation Blessing.

(War and Piece link via The Sideshow.)