Tuesday, September 13, 2005

From CNN:

Pakistan said Monday it is prepared to erect a fence along its border with Afghanistan to prevent incursions by Taliban and Islamic extremists.

Pakistan's president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, made the proposal Monday in a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at the United Nations, Pakistani Foreign Minister Khursheed Mehmood Kasuri said....

"Pakistan can do nothing more than that to prevent incursions," Kasuri said. "We are fed up of people who say we have to do more."...

Yeah, because, as the Sydney Morning Herald notes, the Pakistanis are doing such a great job now:

Welcome to Taliban Central, pay at the gate

Before easing his machine forward, the Afghan motorcyclist sits back from the throng and nods to a Pakistani border guard.

His hand goes into his pocket as the guard raises two fingers. They shake hands and a tight wad of cash is exchanged. As the guard pockets the money, the Afghan throttles up and enters Pakistan in a cloud of dust.

Just 30 minutes at the Waish border crossing, in this south-eastern corner of Afghanistan, reveals all of Islamabad and Kabul's hand-wringing about tighter border security as a joke at Washington's expense - there is virtually no border to secure.

...Despite a sign that says "only for passport holders", hundreds amble through with no documentation - and without challenge. Heavily laden trucks and utilities, many without numberplates, stream in both directions. None is searched.

Dozens going both ways wear jet-black turbans, which at the very least indicates they may be Taliban sympathisers. They waltz through as untouchables....

If this is the fine work the guards do at individual crossings, imagine what they could do with a whole fence!