Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Washington Nationals suspended a volunteer chaplain and distributed an apology from outfielder Ryan Church yesterday, two days after Church was quoted in a front-page Post article as suggesting that Jews are headed for eternal damnation...

An article in Sunday's paper about Baseball Chapel quoted Church as saying that he had turned to [chaplain Jon] Moeller for advice about his former girlfriend, who was Jewish. "I said, like, Jewish people, they don't believe in Jesus. Does that mean they're doomed? Jon nodded, like, that's what it meant. My ex-girlfriend! I was like, man, if they only knew. Other religions don't know any better. It's up to us to spread the word," Church said....

--Washington Post today

WASHINGTON - Two hours before the city officially ended its 34-year-long off-season, starting center field Ryan Church was hoping for a few inspirational words from his leader.

Not from Frank Robinson, manager of the Washington Nationals, but President George W. Bush, the man who makes out the lineup card for the free world. "It would be a thrill to meet him,'' said Church, a long way from Canal Park where he spent two seasons (2002-03) with the Akron Aeros. "I'd like to talk to him -- and not just because I'm a Republican.''...

--Akron Beacon-Journal, 4/15/05


Original Washington Post article on Baseball Chapel here. Baseball Chapel Web site here -- and note that, as the site says, this isn't some ad hoc thing: Baseball Chapel "is an international ministry recognized by Major and Minor League Baseball and is responsible for the appointment and oversight of all team chapel leaders (over 400 throughout professional baseball)."


Oh, and of course Vince Nauss, the president of Baseball Chapel, is a Bush donor.