Saturday, September 17, 2005


John Ellis Bush, the son of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and nephew of President George W. Bush, was arrested in Austin, Texas, on Friday on charges of public intoxication and resisting arrest, police said....

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission Capt. David Ferrero told the Austin American Statesman that Bush, 21, approached a group of police officers on a street corner in downtown Austin at 2:30 a.m. on Friday to ask about an earlier arrest of people he knew.

He appeared to be drunk, so police detained him and tried to handcuff him. While they put the cuffs on young Bush, he pushed against the officers and ended up suffering a cut on the chin, the newspaper said.

"He was observed to be a danger to himself and others," Ferrero told the Statesman....


Print this item out. Thirty years from now, when he (or his brother or sister or Jenna or NotJenna) is running for president, he'll insist it never happened.