Sunday, March 16, 2003

Haven't your ambassadors informed you? Europe is no longer Europe. It is a province of Islam, as Spain and Portugal were at the time of the Moors. It hosts almost 16 million Muslim immigrants and teems with mullahs, imams, mosques, burqas, chadors.

--aging racist Oriana Fallaci, from The Wall Street Journal's, 3/13/03

In San Diego, skateboarders and homeless people said the three walked miles and miles each day, the women always silently behind the man and covered in robes and veils. Once, when Mr. Mitchell [alleged kidnapper of Elizabeth Smart] got in an argument with four people on bicycles, he was heard hollering, "Jesus Christ is Lord!"

"We asked him if he was Muslim, and he'd say, `No, I'm not Muslim, I'm God, above Muslims,' " said Mike Cortez, a skateboarder.

--New York Times, 3/16/03

Hate to break this to you, Oriana, but there are dangerous, misogynistic religious fanatics who don't have olive skin and don't read the Koran, and some of them even put women in veils.