Tuesday, March 18, 2003

A total of 510 randomly selected adults were interviewed Monday night after Bush's speech....

Nearly two in three -- 64 percent -- said they approve of the way Bush is handling the confrontation with Saddam Hussein, up from 55 percent in an ABC News survey conducted last week.

Overall support for a war with Iraq also surged from 59 percent two weeks ago to 71 percent today. And the poll found equally broad support for beginning the war immediately after Bush's 48-hour deadline expires on Wednesday....

--Washington Post

Americans like to say they think all politicians are liars, but most don't really believe that -- a president who wraps himself in manliness and the flag is always believed.

(Bill Clinton never seemed to grasp that, even when he used military power. He never equated differing opinions with evil; he never suggested that agreeing with him put you on the side of good, on the side of God. I voted for Al Gore and I'd do it again, but I'm not sure he would have been able to grasp that, either.)