Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Here's an interesting result from this quickie Gallup poll. Although the public is rallying around Bush and approving the war ultimatum, most Americans still aren't convinced that it's actually the right thing to do:

For months, President Bush has been trying to persuade the American public that a war against Saddam Hussein might be necessary to disarm Iraq and prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction. The poll suggests that 44% of Americans have been convinced by the president's arguments, and thus support his decision. Another 21% of Americans are unsure if war is the right thing, but support Bush anyway because he is the president. Thirty percent take an opposing point of view....

Which comes closer to your view [ROTATED: you support going to war because you think it is the best thing for the U.S. to do (or) you are not sure if going to war is the best thing to do, but you support Bush's decision because he is president]?


2003 Mar 17

% Approve 66

(Right thing to do) (44) (Not sure if right thing, but supporting president) (21) (Unsure) (1)

Disapprove 30

No opinion 4

Chances are someone who's told you that "all politicians are liars" now thinks a war must be a good idea because, well, "we have to trust the president."