You know who doesn't "support our troops"?
Donald Rumsfeld.
Isn't failing to "support our troops" literally what Donald Rumsfeld did in the planning of this war?
Current and former U.S. military officers are blaming Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and his aides for the inadequate troop strength on the ground in Iraq, saying the civilian leaders "micromanaged" the deployment plan out of mistrust of the generals and an attempt to prove their own theory that a light, maneuverable force could handily defeat Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
More than a dozen officers interviewed, including a senior officer in Iraq, said Rumsfeld took significant risks by leaving key units in the United States and Germany at the start of the war. That resulted in an invasion force that is too small, strung out, underprotected, undersupplied and awaiting tens of thousands of reinforcements who will not get there for weeks. (Washington Post)
You want to get all self-righteous and denounce someone while waving a "Support Our Troops" sign? Wave it at that sonofabitch.