Most worrying of all is the fact that the Democrats have scheduled the South Carolina primary immediately after Iowa and New Hampshire. At least 40 percent of South Carolina's Democratic primary voters are black. All the ingredients are therefore there for an early Sharpton break-out....
--Andrew Sullivan, Sunday Times (London), 2/24/03
Latest presidential preference poll of South Carolina Democrats (Zogby poll, 3/4 - 3/6):
Lieberman 12%
Gephardt 10%
Edwards 6%
Kerry 5%
Sharpton 4%
Undecided 46%
(Results courtesy Daily Kos.)
What? Could it possibly be that blacks aren't pod people mindlessly programmed to follow the dictates of their own pigmentation? Could it possibly be that blacks are pretty much like whites, and therefore a lot of them haven't made up their minds about their favorite candidate for '04?