Sunday, February 16, 2003

At the risk of repeating something I wrote here Friday, I'd like to post an e-mail I just sent to Glenn Reynolds, Herr Dr. Dr. InstaPundit, in response to this post in his blog.

"I'd like to see the 'peace' movement take some responsibility for the likely consequences of its views, and the deaths that may come from doing nothing."

And I'd like to see the war movement take some responsibility for the likely consequences of *its* views, and the deaths that may come from its own testosterone overload:

"New York, February 13, 2003--A US-led military intervention in Iraq will trigger the collapse of Iraq's public health and food distribution system, leading to a humanitarian crisis that far exceeds the capacity of the United Nations and relief agencies, according to a report released at the U.N. by the New York-based Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR). At the same time of the release, Secretary-General Kofi Annan will address a closed session of the Security Council on the potential humanitarian consequences of war in Iraq.

"CESR will also release a set of confidential U.N. planning documents that warn of a "humanitarian emergency of exceptional scale and magnitude" based on the expected collapse of Iraq's civilian infrastructure following attacks on Iraq's electricity and transportation systems. One document estimates that 'in the event of a crisis, 30 percent of children under five would be at risk of death from malnutrition.' ..."

Is that what you rightists prefer? It certainly seems that way. I'll admit that it's certainly efficient to kill much of the Iraqi population all at once -- and I know the right greatly admires efficiency.

Steve M.

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