Thursday, September 15, 2016

Welcome to the 2016 News Cycle

Alex Jones: Clinton eats Christian babies!

Trump: People are saying Clinton eats Christian babies. I don't know, people are saying it.

Press: Clinton campaign dogged by questions about infant cannibalism.

Lefties: Clinton is part of the neo-liberal infant-eating Establishment.

Press: Infant cannibalism issue highlights Clinton's lack of transparency.

Trump: I could eat a baby on 5th Ave & wouldn't lose voters. In fact, I've done that. I have. I'm being sarcastic obviously. But really, not that sarcastic.

Pundits: Clinton needs to come clean on the infant cannibalism issue. She needs to release a full list of everything she's eaten, ever. Or else stop eating. Maybe both.

AP: A review of Clinton's email confirms she may have eaten Christian babies.

Media Critics, to AP: That isn't how this works. That isn't how any of this works.

David Fahrenthold: So far I have confirmed 157 babies eaten by Trump.

Kurt Eichenwald: Make that 158.

Trump: Cannibal Hillary claims she doesn't eat babies. Does anyone believe that?

Press: Both campaigns are being less than fully transparent.

AP, 2 weeks later: Never mind.

Update: From Yastreblyansky, in comments:

The Intercept: Disgusting neoconservative Hillary Clinton's horrible, evil, and aesthetically completely failed Christian baby-eating habit is not mentioned in any of the leaked DNC emails. Accident, or is somebody deliberately trying to keep it quiet? There's a surprise coming in the next batch.