Scarlett Johnannson recently made a Planned Parenthood PSA:
Now Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition and Troy Newman of Operation Rescue have taken the PSA and put Johansson in a Klan robe:
Charming, hunh? Wonder if they know she's Jewish.
The anti-aborts love to cherry-pick Margaret Sanger's history to portray her as an advocate of "black genocide" (a claim made, notably, by Herman Cain -- "the objective was to put these centers in primarily black communities so they could help kill black babies before they came into the world"; it's a claim for which he received a "Pants on Fire" award from PolitiFact. Yeah, Sanger gave a speech to a ladies' auxiliary of the Klan. Yeah, she had an interest in eugenics. If that permanently taints Planned Parenthood to the n-th generation, then I'm waiting for Cain or the people who made the Johansson video to renounce their U.S. citizenship -- after all, many of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, and slavery was enshrined in the Constitution. If you believe in permanent institutional guilt, it should apply to every institution, no?