Christine O'Donnell? She's not going away, and she's found some soul mates in Virginia:
Christine O'Donnell, the Delaware tea party sensation who became a political insta-celebrity after upending Rep. Mike Castle in the GOP Senate primary, will headline a tea party event in northern Virginia next week.
O'Donnell is scheduled to speak at the Northern Virginia Tea Party Annual Banquet next Tuesday in Falls Church along with GOP state delegate Bob Marshall, who is mulling a run for U.S. Senate. ...
Perhaps you remember Bob Marshall:
State Delegate Bob Marshall of Manassas says disabled children are God's punishment to women who have aborted their first pregnancy.
He made that statement Thursday at a press conference to oppose state funding for Planned Parenthood.
"The number of children who are born subsequent to a first abortion with handicaps has increased dramatically. Why? Because when you abort the first born of any, nature takes its vengeance on the subsequent children," said Marshall, a Republican.
"In the Old Testament, the first born of every being, animal and man, was dedicated to the Lord. There's a special punishment Christians would suggest."
It appears that he's the tactical wizard who's making possible the efforts of Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia's mad zealot attorney general:
Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli plunged into controversy in recent weeks with a couple of major legal opinions, one saying it's okay for police to question people about their immigration status and another saying the state can more closely regulate abortion clinics.
If you look closely at those opinions, you’ll find a common thread: a guy named Bob Marshall.
In both cases it was a formal request from this Republican member of the House of Delegates from Prince William County that led Cuccinelli to issue his opinions....
This year's Virginia Healthcare Freedom Act, which paved the way for Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli's lawsuit against the Obama administration's health care legislation, was Marshall's brainchild.
And where did Marshall get his mad legislative skillz?
He can do [all] that ... because of his peerless grasp of parliamentary procedure, knowledge Marshall says he absorbed as a congressional aide to California Republican Bob Dornan in the 1970s.
You remember Bob Dornan. If not, go here. I'll wait.
The GOP Senate nomination Marshall wants is also being sought by George "Macaca" Allen, who's a big name and, in normal times, would probably have the inside track -- but if 2012 is anything like 2010, a crazy guy like Marshall might beat Allen precisely because he's the plucky/insane teabag underdog.
Oh, and meanwhile, O'Donnell now has a book deal with St. Martin's, publisher of the likes of Janet Evanovich and the Kardashians (and also Newt Gingrich). She may be a ditz, but she's smarter than fellow B-list wingnut grifter Joe the Plumber, who apparently rejected deals with major book publishers, put his book out through a tiny company, after which the tome was never heard of again.