Jo Lindner, a popular YouTube bodybuilding star known as “Joesthetics,” has died of an aneurysm at the age of 30.Even without looking at my headline, you know where this is going, although the Breitbart story itself doesn't make the leap. Instead, we're told:
Lindner, a German, had one of the largest social media followings of any fitness influencers. His YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok accounts boasted over 10 million followers.
Two days before his death, in his final Instagram post, Lindner revealed that he was experiencing health issues following his Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).Also:
“When I lost my gains because I went off everything for 1 year but then could not recover my own [testosterone] levels so went back on trt,” Lindner wrote. “Trust me I tried to stop but be aware it might have long-term effects for your life.”.
Lindner suffered from a rare condition known as rippling muscle disease. An affliction that causes the muscles to be susceptible to movement or pressure. Lindner spoke about his health concerns in an interview with YouTube host Bradley Martin.(Lindner's characterization of rippling muscle disease may not be quite accurate, but it's a real condition.)
“The heart is also a muscle, that’s my biggest concern that what if I get such a bad cramp that my heart gets a cramp,” Lindner explained. “That makes me scared. That’s why I’m staying away from bodybuilding competitions too much.
“Because I would take all these diuretics and if I stop eating salt and drink a lot, and then stop drinking as well, you would pee everything out, and then you would take a diuretic as well on top and then you pee even more sodium out,” the German bodybuilder saidBut Breitbart puts stories like this on its front page for one reason only: so commenters can blame COVID vaccines for the death. Quite a few, admittedly, don't rise to the bait. They place the blame where a normal person might:
“I cannot exist really. I cannot even walk anymore.”
Must be the steroidsBut other say just what you'd expect Breitbart readers to say:
Or HGH, that's the new steroids
Massive abuse of steroids, muscle enhancing drugs and erratic dieting over long periods of time will tend to wreck havoc on the heart, vascular system and endocrine system rending one's body a walking time bomb.....Apparently the testosterone replacement therapy taken due his body not being capable of making enough of its own due to steroid abuse finally lit the fuse resulting in cardio/vascular failure.
He was also warp speed jabbed to the gills.(In the clip, Lindner does tells interviewer that he'd had four COVID shots -- and claims that "heavy metals" were found in his blood afterward.)
The jabs made his heart issues much worse, that’s a given.
The jabs are the decider, period. THey will kill you no matter how healthy or unhealthy you are. You get a jab that isn't a dud, a real mRNA jab, and you will die from it. The mass culling in the world continues.
steroids have been around forever and no 30 year old ever died from it. don't be so naive
Of course this article fails to mention he took 4 fake vax shots and he blamed the shots for heavy metals in his blood and ailments.
Here's the interview.
"What did I do man":
Unfortunately, many of the same medical authorities who preach against steroids, and rightly so, are silent on the proper investigations of the various negative side effects of the 'jab'. Unacceptable behavior on their part.(I can't find that claim online, but it doesn't pass the smell test. "TPTB" = the powers that be.)
Mixing Roids and the Clot Shot may be hazardous to your health.
This kid is yet another c19 nano clot victim. aneurysm was the cause, if I recall. I think he was suffering a few hours of weakness.
Steroids and the warp speed death jabs don’t mix.
The slab jab does it's magic.
It cant be the covid shots. Pfizer said they were safe and effective.
I just read up about him. He was fully into natural body building, never took any anabolic steroids or any other enhancement drugs. But it still cant be the shots, cant be because they are safe and effective. Dr. Peter Hotez said so many times. We have to trust science.......
The vaxx has forcibly been inserted in to our lives and is a contender for trouble. It must be ruled in as reasonable suspicion in Joe Lindner's untimely death.
Why did he get the vaccine? He was young and fit and at almost zero risk of Covid? The steroids combined with God knows what is in those vaccines took his life far too young.
The fake vaccine poison shots have claimed another soul. I did hear some good news coming from out of Denmark that 30% of the Pfizer fake vaccines were placebos. So there is some hope that the people we love who were tricked by TPTB into taking these potentially fatal fake vaccines got saline instead.
So there you have it: Sure, Lindner took some stuff to make his body look like this...
But it was the vaccine that killed him.