Friday, July 14, 2023


At first I interpreted this as Robert Kennedy Jr. trying to pull a Kari Lake:
Democratic presidential candidate and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. appeared on Fox News’s Fox & Friends on Friday and offered praise for his potential general election opponent, former President Donald Trump....

“Trump is probably the most successful debater in this country since Lincoln-Douglas in the way he dispatched 16 Republican opponents, one after the other, in 2016, it was really quite extraordinary,” Kennedy continued, adding:
He has his own technique that people like, and it is like going to a prize fight and you need practice. And that usually happens during a primary, and asking the president not to debate during the primary is like asking a prize fighter to practice for his big bout by sitting on the couch and eating Chick-Fil-A.
My initial thought was that Kennedy was sucking up to Trump, flattering him in the hope that Trump will fulfill Steve Bannon's dream and put RFK Jr. on the ticket. But I think it's sincere respect. And why not? What is Kennedy's life work? Saying ignorant things with enough authority that many people think he knows what he's talking about, and therefore deserves to be treated as an authority. Doesn't that also describe Trump? I think Kennedy -- a professional bamboozler -- greatly respects Trump for being able to fool some of the people all of the time. Game recognizes game.

Trump, of course, didn't out-debate all of his 2016 opponents. There were moments when he demeaned a particular challenger on the debate stage, but the debates weren't where he won the nomination. But in the course of the campaign he out-talked all of them, without ever saying an intelligent or knowledgeable thing. Of course Kennedy would respect that.