Friday, October 15, 2021


I don't consider this a major story, but it's the lead story at right now:

Former President Bill Clinton remained in a California hospital early Friday after being admitted earlier in the week for a non-COVID-19-related infection.

"On Tuesday evening, President Clinton was admitted to UCI Medical Center to receive treatment for a non-Covid-related infection," Clinton's spokesman, Angel Urena, said in a statement on Thursday evening.
CNN reports that the former president, who is 75, has a urinary tract infection that spread to his bloodstream, a fairly common medical condition in the elderly.

It's a relatively minor medical problem, so why is the story so prominent at Fox? Because it's an excellent opportunity for Fox fans to demonstrate the kind of high-minded civic engagement they're known for. From the comments:
A source close to the situation told Fox News the former president was "diagnosed as a urological infection which morphed into a broader infection

Probably systemic syphillis


bill remembers trying to grope mooch obama, and then he woke up in the hospital


I'm sure it is an STD he caught from Epstein Island. I wonder if Hillary brought the painting of him in the blue dress from Epstein's living room to comfort him in the dire time.


Not Covid-19 related? I thought that since Covid-19 appeared all other illnesses disappeared.


Bill was diagnosed with an STD accompanied by extreme flatulence. In medical terms, gonorrhea with the wind! Let’s go Brandon


A long very painful illness is exactly what Klinton deserves


Not Covid-19 related for ol' dirtbag bill means: his herpes flared up just as the claps acted up and spurred his ghonerea into full beast mode until his syphilis came on full motion and swolled up his balls into grapefruits. A hospital trip was warranted, besides with bill being buddies with ol' bill gates, he can't ley anybody know he has the virus with the vaccine in his creepy filthy body.


Where I live a friend died in a motorcycle accident when his wife got his death certificate the cause of death said he died of Covid 19.


Bad reaction to the vaccine


At this moment Chuck and Nancy are secretly hoping Bill meets his maker so they can have a week long funeral complete with a 'Golden Casket' to further distract the American people from their atrocities. FACT.


Don’t Worry. Syphilis is very treatable these days. The hard part will be notifying ALL the contacts.


Yea would you want to give Hillary the news?


Hillary won't be on that list, he won't touch that cow


Has anyone contacted Barry?


Hopefully he will go slowly, with excruciating pain and agony


with pieces dropping off


oscar meyer first


and poop all over


What would really be great is if all his nurses were guys who identify as girls


I bet he asked for Ivermectin
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