Here's the cover of Joe Scarborough's forthcoming book, via Amazon:

Please buy a copy of this book in hardcover, so you can use it to smack pundits upside the head when they decry polarization generated by "Fox News on the right and MSNBC on the left."
I won't buy it, because that'll benefit Cup O' Schmoe.
Instead, I'll Abbie Hoffman it, and whack pundits in the head with it.
What stage of Alzheimer's was Reagan in during that photo?
I wonder if there is a Forward written by Mika. If so, there are probably mark-throughs, with Joe's "correction" written off to the side.
And at the bottom, he gives her a failing grade, and says she's completely wrong about everything.
peabody, I don't know how she's managed not to smack him upside the head before now. I guess it's because he did step up with the network when she demanded more money (although she - the actual journalist - still doesn't make as much as he does).
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