Monday, March 05, 2007


What? It's not possible! But apparently it is -- right-wingers said bad words! Dean Barnett presented the evidence yesterday -- a quote from an e-mail he received about Ann Coulter:

Ann Coulter hit the nail on the head. John Edwards is a pussified a**hole and faggot. That's right, I wrote it and will say it in public. I don't mean it in the classic sense either. Edwards is an effeminate, back-stabbing, hide-behind-the-law, ambulance chaser who couldn't handle himself in a one-on-one fist fight. So, get your perfume out and go join him. Evidently, you aren't man enough to tell the truth either. You're just another neo-con hack who isn't worth his weight in dogs**t! Stop blogging because you're just making it worse.

But I thought only our side used words like this!

And right-winger Amy Ridenour criticized Coulter in a post at her Townhall-affiliated blog, then said she received a number of e-mails asking whether she'd had sex with Coulter and "graphically describ[ing] male-male sexual activities and aggressively claim[ing] I have participated in same." She said they came from "self-identified themselves as liberals and conservatives in roughly equal numbers" -- but why would there be any conservatives? Aren't conservatives all pure of tongue?


Barnett also displays a bit of tunnel vision:

Determinedly clueless to the bitter end, Ann emailed the New York Times' Adam Nagourney responding to the candidates' seeking distance from her. "Did any of these guys say anything after I made the same remark about Al Gore last summer?" she asked. "Why not? What were they trying to say about Al Gore with their silence?" To provide the obvious answer of why her Gore comments went unnoticed, her Gore comments (which I don't have any memory of) obviously came at a less prominent forum than CPAC.

(Emphasis mine.)

Er, Dean? She said that on national television, to Chris Matthews on Hardball.


One line in the sand drawn by the right: Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media says,

AIM has announced that it will be discontinuing sales of books by or merchandise promoting Ann Coulter. We hope that other conservative groups follow our lead.

OK, that's a good thing. Hugh Hewitt, meanwhile, makes a demand of fellow rightists, but somewhat less of a demand on himself:

I cannot imagine Coulter being invited to any panel or television appearance on which I would want to appear. Colleges and universities must also stop inviting her to appear as a representative of the conservative movement in America.

I see -- colleges "must" stop inviting her, but Hewitt grants himself the wiggle room of "I cannot imagine." Clever use of weasel words, Hugh.


But Ann'll land on her feet, judging from the majority of the comments in this Free Republic thread:

Ann called John Edwards a queer. Is it true? If it is he's dead meat. I can't believe Coulter would call Edwards a queer unless she knew he was. There would be no point in falsely calling him queer because he is not a serious contender.

The Left pays lip service to butt-bangers but when they can they show their disapproval of homosexuality. Look at how they tried to embarrass Dick Cheney because his daughter was a lesbian.


More so call "conservative" cry baby crap. Hey Cons, get a life and grow some balls. This liberal type stuff from our side is getting sickening.


Ann should apologize for the "faggot" comment just as soon as the leftwing moonbats apologize for their "Bush lied, people died, selected, not elected, no WMD . . . " and countless other far more offensive comments which get passed along and even rubber-stamped by our Kool-Aid drinking media whores.


I think it is a sad day when we let faggots or the liberals tell us what we can an can't say. How did we get here?

...Ann I love you.


The GOP was far less outraged when Mo Dowd, Goodman, et al refer to our President as "Hitler."

Anyone remember Maureen Dowd or Ellen Goodman calling Bush "Hitler"? Me either. Oh, and we have to apologize for saying there were no WMDs in Iraq -- that's just over the line! But there you have it -- she'll always have many, many friends on the right and her books will continue to sell.


(And yes, I'm quoted in the Ridenour and Freep links -- wow, I've really arrived now....)

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