Friday, March 02, 2007


InstaPunk, a few days ago:

I propose an exercise to be perfomed by those who have the software and expertise to carry it out. The exercise is this: Search six months' worth of content, posts and comments, of the 20 most popular blogs on the right and the left. The search criteria are George Carlin's infamous "7 Dirty Words."

I am absolutely certain that the left will far exceed the right in the number of usages of all these words, which will go a long way toward proving that it's the right which is still concerned with ideas while it's the left that's obsessed with the lowest kind of hateful invective.

Since charts are now being produced, I thought I'd supply one (source):

By comparison, I did an Amazon search of another well-known book that contains none of the words listed above, with the exception of "shit," which appears a mere 6 times.

The identity of that book, which, we are told, is by definition more "concerned with ideas" that Lady Chatterley's Lover, Ulysses, or Finnegans Wake?

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.

I rest my case.

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