From today's New York Times:
Throughout his career, Senator Joseph I. Lieberman has proudly proclaimed himself an "independent-minded Democrat." But in the closing days of this campaign, Mr. Lieberman added a superlative, promising to be a "very independent Democrat."
Hmmm, what does that remind me of? Oh, yes -- Woody Allen doing standup in 1964:
We were married by a Reform rabbi in Long Island. A very Reform rabbi. A Nazi.
(Oh, come on, give me a break -- it's not anti-Semitic. It's Woody Allen, for cryin' out loud. And I'm not calling Lieberman a Nazi. Rabbi is to Nazi as Lieberman the Democrat is to ... Oh, forget it.)
UPDATE: By the way, I see via Steve Benen that Lieberman gave his first post-election interview to ... Sean Hannity. And while we know now that he won't quit the Senate to become defense secretary, I wonder if he might be appointed to replace Bolton at the UN. See this December 8, 2005, story in the New York Daily News:
The Daily News has learned that the White House considered Lieberman for the UN ambassador's job last year before giving the post to John Bolton, a Bush adviser said.
Stay tuned -- especially now that AP has called Virginia for Webb ...