--Think Progress
Shakespeare's Sister says:
Mmm…refreshing. Hearing the first ever female Speaker of the House called a witch within 24 hours of being elected to the role goes down smooth. The Photoshops of a green-faced Pelosi with her winged monkeys Hoyer and Murtha will be a splendid chaser.
A green-faced Pelosi? Coming right up, courtesy of the Family Research Council's blog!
(That's been up for a while, by the way -- it's a Halloween-themed post, and I first saw it in October.)
I know I'm asking a lot of the press corps, but this ought to be a story -- the unabashed sexism of the attacks on Pelosi. (See also the New York Post's "Nancy Shrew" piece.) I know it's not as much fun as, say, castigating lefty bloggers, but is anyone going to write a handwringing, responsible-serious-person assessment of this?
(Well, Maureen Dowd starts by castigating the sexism -- then joins the catfight. Thanks a lot.)