Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Crooks & Liars has video of Ed Rogers, a White House staffer in Poppy Bush's administration and subsequently a GOP lobbyist, trying to taint Barack Obama on MSNBC's Harball by stressing Obama's middle name, which happens to be Hussein:

Hardball's David Shuster: Barack Obama is going up to New Hampshire. He's somebody I imagine Republicans should be fearful of -- he's a great speaker…

Ed Rogers: Count me down as somebody who underestimates Barack Hussein Obama. Please....

Watch the video -- Rogers very carefully stresses the foreign-sounding nature of the name and hammers that "Hussein."

Which is odd, because Ed Rogers will certainly consort with people who have names like that when it suits him:

A group of businessmen linked by their close ties to President George Walker Bush, his family and his administration have set up a consulting firm to advise companies that want to do business in Iraq, including those seeking pieces of taxpayer-financed reconstruction projects.

The firm, New Bridge Strategies, is headed by Joe M. Allbaugh, Mr. Bush's campaign manager in 2000 and the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency until March. Other directors include Edward M. Rogers Jr., vice chairman....

Shortly after leaving the White House, Mr. Rogers was publicly rebuked by the first President Bush after he signed a $600,000 contract to represent a Saudi, Sheik Kamal Adham, who was a main figure under scrutiny in a case that involved the Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Mr. Rogers canceled his contract to represent the sheik, former head of Saudi intelligence....

Yet here's Rogers saying "Hussein" as if any name derived from the Muslim world is the vilest of curses.

No shame. These people have absolutely no shame.