Monday, November 20, 2006

Oops -- this wasn't supposed to happen:

...the movie business climbed its way out of a dismal pattern of declining audience to more solid footing in 2006. With most of the year's movie receipts counted, the box office is up 6.5 percent over last year, and attendance has risen nearly 5 percent....

Wasn't Hollywood supposed to remain in permanent decline until the liberals all left town and turned the place over to people who'd make lots and lots of movies about Jesus and Islamofascism? Instead, recent moneymakers include Saw III and Borat (the latter is well on its way to making $100 million domestically), The Da Vinci Code has made the Baby Jesus cry by becoming a domestic and global box-office smash since spring (more than half a billion dollars' worth of tickets have been sold worldwide), and even the cartoon that's currently #1 at the U.S. box office, Happy Feet, is anti-religious, pro-UN, pro-gay, pro-Gaia propaganda (so says Michael Medved, and no, I'm not exaggerating).

Hollywood and the Democrats making a comeback? Get the behind me, Satan!

Ah, but soon we'll have The Nativity Story, which certainly ought to be morally uplifting -- after all it's by the director of ... oh, never mind.