Thursday, November 30, 2006


I'm not the least bit surprised that President Bush today rejected the notion of significant troop drawdowns. But I don't think it's just because, as Atrios says, Bush thinks leaving is losing -- I think, on one battlefield, this war is going well.

I'm talking about Bush's mind.

As I've said in reference to Orson Scott Card's new fighting-the-left-wing-terrorists novel and Robert Ferrigno's recent battling-the-Muslim-overlords novel, many right-wingers crave the feeling of being under siege. They want the world to be in an evil conspiracy against people who think like them; they want to be at war with everyone in the world except the small group of people who agree with them.

Well, that's Bush right now. How exquisite -- not only is he (in his mind) the bulwark again global takeover by Musloterrorofascism, but now the sandal-wearing hippie Democrats have taken over Congress and (holy Oedipus!) his father's henchmen want him to reject firmness. It's him against the world! What could be more glorious?

Recall Bob Woodward's words:

"Late last year he had key Republicans up to the White House to talk about the war. And said, 'I will not withdraw even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me.' Barney is his dog."

That was a threat -- but it was also a fantasy. And now it's come true.

And if he keeps the troop levels essentially where they are until January 20, 2009, it's total victory on the American and European fronts! That's almost better than winning in Iraq! After all, Dad won in Iraq and didn't even get reelected!