Saturday, May 08, 2004

I said this morning that I thought the Bush administration would weather the torture scandal -- and, alas, it's happening, says The Washington Post:

A large majority of Americans believe that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld should not resign over the Iraq prison scandal....

Seven in 10 Americans said Rumsfeld should not be forced to quit, a view held by majorities of Republicans, Democrats and self-described independents....

...six in 10 believe these were isolated incidents, while fewer than a third said such abuse was more widespread.

The Buhies weather big scandals well, I'm afraid. But as I said this morning, if anything's going to be their undoing, it's the slow grind of ongoing failure:

Even though overall attitudes remain essentially unchanged, the proportion who believe the administration has a clear plan in Iraq stands at 38 percent, down 7 percentage points in the past three weeks, while a growing majority -- 57 percent -- see the administration adrift, a new high in Post-ABC News polling.

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