Wednesday, April 13, 2022


The suspect in the Brooklyn subway shooting has been arrested.
The man accused of shooting 10 people on a Brooklyn subway train was arrested Wednesday and charged with a federal terrorism offense after a daylong manhunt and a tipster’s call led police to him on a Manhattan street.

Frank R. James, 62, was taken into custody about 30 hours after the carnage on a rush-hour train, which left five victims in critical condition and people around the city on edge.

“My fellow New Yorkers, we got him,” Mayor Eric Adams said.

I checked the Fox News story on the arrest, and you will not be surprised to learn that many of the commenters focused on one particular fact about the suspect:
The guy looks like he could be Obama's son.


Another example - subject to a few points of shift - of the formula exemplified by a “Paretto diagram”, a.k.a. the 80/20 Rule.

In business, it’s practically a straight-line relationship: 80% of a corporation’s business come from 20% of it’s accounts.

In the USA, 80% of the crime (or more) is because of 20% (or less) of the population ............


I really thought taking Aunt Jemima off the pancake mix, the Indian off the butter, Uncle Ben off the rice, Eskimo off the pies, & changing the Washington football team's name would have fixed this.....................


And don’t forget destroying or taking down Civil War monuments!


but wait! The new black SCOTUS will change everything! :-0


The only thing "they" want is all the wealth and the genocide of all white, Hispanic and Asian people.


a rope will fix it. a rope will fix everything.


Only getting every last one of these bowel-movement-colored people out of our country will fix it. That would be a dream come true. The real American Dream nowadays. And rightly so.


I have an IRA at Vanguard. Ever since that elderly black couple started giving me advice, I've been losing money.


He was only jogging.


They got him but thanks to no bail in NY he will be out this afternoon to take the subway home.


with a Subway sandwich paid for by Al Sharpton


This poor, unfortunate minority individual is simply a victim of society's ills such as systematic racism. It's certainly not his fault. He should be released without bail, appointed an attorney, and spend the rest of his days therapy at taxpayer's expense.


Martin Luther King said: "Judge us - not by the color of our skin - but by the content of our character."

That's exactly what we're doing - and we're not liking what we see.


"Diversity" is now a code word for White Genocide.


13% commit 70% of the crimes.


Good effort today Jussie Smollet 👍🏿

But you 13%er's have really up'd your game!


A disproportionate amount of violent and all crime for that matter is done by the 13%.


I would be surprised if Mr. James doesn't win this year's "New York's George Floyd" award! "The man and his oppression made me do it!


Stacey Abrams said:
"Hands off, he my next baby daddy"


keep all knees away from him so he does not become the new George Floyd. Don't even kneel down to tie your shoe around him.


Waiting on BLM to defend his actions. You know they will.


BLM is already erecting a statue of him next to Felony Floyd.


Congrats Eric Adams on taking down one of your own. You know, the 13 percent who are wrecking NYC.


A statue of him has already been started.


Any BLM riots or GoFundMe for his bail scheduled yet?


Another BLM supporter who documented his racism on social media before acting out. This is the legacy of Obama.


Not terrorist.

There was no political motivation.

This was just pure hatred of white people.

Looking at recent past cases I'm assuming this is legal now.


Did Kamala and BLM start a bail fund for him?


Is BLM going to help with defense lawyers? Oh, that’s right, they’re using the money to buy personal mansions.


at a glance I thought it was Will Smif


Today marks the end of political correctness.
Frank James is aNIxxERthug.
Funny how New York Times diner safaris and focus groups offer the views of so many right-wingers, but never anyone who talks or thinks this way. I can't count the number of posts like this I've done, with one hateful comment after another.

This is in plain sight. If you don't see it, it's because you refuse to look.

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