Friday, August 09, 2019


On Twitter, I get a number of ads from Democratic presidential candidates. Late last month, this showed up in my feed:

I was angry when Steyer joined the race. I think the Democratic field needs to be cleared of vanity candidates. And I certainly don't have any interest in giving money to a billionaire. But a digital Steyer is welcome to look me in the eye and make a request for my money.

Today, however, I'm seeing this Steyer ad instead:

Steyer wants the readers of this ad to think they're donating to an organization, not him. He wants us to think we're giving to a cause, not to a billionaire.

But the money is going to a billionaire, so he can amass enough individual contributions to meet the Democratic Party's debate benchmark for the fall debates.

Steyer has pledged to spend $100 million of his own money to get elected -- money that could be much better spent.

Does Steyer bring anything to the debate that other candidates aren't offering? He cares about climate change, but so do the other candidates, Jay Inslee in particular. He's been fighting to impeach the president, but if he's running to defeat Trump, he clearly foresees that won't be impeached and convicted by November of next year.

It's a free country, Steyer can stay in the race. But he shouldn't try to deceive us into believing that we're giving to an organization he supports rather than to him.

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