He looked old and haggard. His hair, which as a rule looks carefully scaffolded, appeared to be that of an ordinary septuagenarian. (Of course, he is an ordinary septuagenarian.)
But what's with the pants?
How are his pants hiked halfway to his armpits and still four inches too long? How? pic.twitter.com/mk73bqUwSt
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) June 3, 2019
Trump may not be as rich as he says he is, but he's certainly rich enough to wear clothes that fit properly. And you don't even need to go to a high-end tailor to get your pants hemmed if they're too long in the leg.
This isn't the first time it's been noticed that Trump's clothes don't fit well. Here's Vanity Fair in 2018:

... his pant legs are enormous. They’re each roughly the circumference of a healthy toddler’s head. They could fit comfortably around The Rock’s thighs.... those hems do not lie.Why? It's been noted that Trump, by his own admission, rejects tailoring:
"I wear Brioni suits, which I buy off the rack," he penned in his 2004 book "Trump: Think Like a Billionaire." "Some people think it's best to have custom-tailored clothing. I don't recommend it unless you have an oddly shaped body, and unless you have a great deal of time."So there it is -- Trump buys Brioni suits (which are expensive), but he won't get them tailored (he seems to think his only two choices are bespoke or off-the-rack and untailored) ... and he argues that only someone with an "oddly shaped body" needs a tailor.
I think is Trump telling himself that he doesn't need assistance in this area because he has superior genes.
Trump is a big believer in the genetic superiority of his bloodline:
Trump invited The New York Times to the White House for an exclusive interview.... His 5-year-old granddaughter Arabella Kushner provided a singular moment of levity throughout the lengthy conversation, showing off her knowledge of the Chinese language while telling the president she loved him in Mandarin.And on and on.
"She's unbelievable, huh?" Trump said. "Good, smart genes." ...
"I consider my health, stamina and strength one of my greatest assets," Trump tweeted in December 2015. "The world has watched me for many years and can so testify—great genes!"
The president has also fielded several questions via Twitter from users asking about his energy and family, repeatedly pointing to his genes as the basis for his success. "You're up at 5am and you're awake at 1am. How do you have so much energy? Seriously!?"
"Good genes!" Trump replied.
He also seemed to apparently miss a thinly veiled dig in June 2013, when @YoungBasedGod_g wrote to him, "@realDonaldTrump your dad gives good brain?? Damn."
"It's called genes!" Trump tweeted back.
"Dr. John Trump, uncle, for many years at M.I.T.," he also wrote in May 2013. "Good genes, I get it!"
To Trump, a person who needs a tailor is a person with an "oddly shaped body," probably as the result of genetic inferiority. Trump's genes are much better. Trump's genes just naturally make all clothes fit perfectly.
You know, like this:

(Book quote via Drew Barthlow on Twitter.)
UPDATE: Oh, dear.
You know, they make tuxedos that fit unless the look you're going for is either "bloated penguin carcass" or "just ate the queen." pic.twitter.com/34Q7kvc44K
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) June 3, 2019