Friday, August 24, 2018


John McCain has ended medical treatment for his brain cancer. He'll be mourned by many -- but, apparently, not by members of his own party, to judge from this June CBS poll:
In the latest CBS News Battleground Tracker poll ... GOP Sen. John McCain gets his highest favorable rating from Arizona Democrats of all partisan groups -- 62 percent view him favorably. It's voters in his own party who give McCain his most negative ratings -- nearly 7 in 10 view him [un]favorably.

If he'd been healthy and wanted to run in 2020 2022, I think he would have been primaried and defeated. He probably would have had to retire, like Jeff Flake, in order to avoid that fate.

Note the running joke in this Free Republic thread:
Bladder is getting pretty full. May have to reload for the post interment ceremonies.




If it’s an open casket I know when my next big fart is going
This man has stood in the way of our Constitution and our president for too long by delaying his retirement and purposely trying to manipulate the choice of a successor, something Rod Blagojevich is doing time for. He threw his campaign for president into the hands of the Usurper's cabal by ego-tripping and suspending his campaign. His people savaged Sarah Palin. He baited-and-switched Arizona voters and the American people over border control. Like his friends the Senate Democrats, George Soros and the mainstream media, he has for many years espoused opposite sides of many issues, depending on who is president. If you want us to respect your sentimentality over impending death, which to a Christian should be a moment of rejoicing, kindly extend our well-earned resentments a little respect as well.


My mom told me to never speak ill of the dying.
But I always ignore her. Die, painfully, you globalist anti-American vapid uber-vain creepy petty grudge-holding evil ISIS-backing warmongering piece of s***.


Good for him, but I’m sorry to see he won’t prolong his suffering. Good riddance a$$hole.

There are Democrats at whose deaths I won't shed many tears -- Joe Lieberman comes to mind -- but I won't feel like this. If you wonder how Donald Trump could possibly have been elected, trust me -- I'm a longtime lurker at sites like Free Republic, and the right-wing rank-and-file has been cultivating this level of vitriol for years, even toward less-than-pure Republicans. In retrospect, the decision to choose Trump seems inevitable.

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