Thursday, June 11, 2015


Everyone's talking about this:
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is a “bro with no ho,” according to his colleague, Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.).

The assessment of Graham’s love life was made during a Senate Appropriations Committee markup on Thursday and caught on a live microphone.

“I’ve been joking with Lindsey,” Kirk can be heard saying. “Did you see that? He’s going to have a rotating first lady. He’s a bro with no ho."
This isn't the first awkward thing Kirk has said recently:
It’s one of several hot-button comments that Kirk has made this year, including suggesting that the GOP should put coffins outside Democratic offices if there was a terrorist attack during a Homeland Security shutdown and saying people “drive faster” through black neighborhoods.
Is it fair to point out that Mark Kirk had a stroke in 2012? He's made quite a recovery, as is clear from this campaign ad:

Nevertheless, the American Stroke Association Lists "the inability to inhibit inappropriate behavior" as a possible consequence of stroke. I don't imagine Kirk is unable to inhibit inappropriate behavior, but is his ability to refrain from inappropriate comments somewhat impaired?

I don't know. I just think it's possible that he's having a harder time with this sort of thing than a healthier person would.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. A Republican not having a filter is rare. Cough.

Victor said...

Older white people should refrain from trying to sound like a young black person.

But if I remember right, Kirk was always a bit of a wild-card - even before the stroke.

Professor Chaos said...

Honestly, it isn't any worse than the things Repunlicans usually say when they know they're on camera.

Unknown said...

Given the general lowbrow level of political discourse (not you Steve M)I don't find his comments out of the ordinary. Honestly, snarky comments, I'm guilty.

Anonymous said...

I think it's inappropriate to bring up the stroke in this context. Is it possible it's related? Yes, but it's also possible it's not. We don't know.

Focus on the behavior not the long-distance amateur diagnosis of the behavior.