Thursday, September 04, 2014


Joan Rivers has passed away -- and of course there's talk on the right thinks she was killed by Obama, because she recently joked that the president is gay and Michelle is transgender.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Mad Jewess, who floated this theory even shortly after Rivers fell ill:
It is quite possible that Joan Rivers could have been poisoned. After all, she works with Communists. Communist are murderers and terrorists. They are also thin-skinned and can’t take when you talk about their leader, Stalin-Obama, as we all have witnessed in our lives, on Twitter, Facebook and our blogs.

So, here are some questions…

Where was Joan Rivers in the last 2 weeks or so? I know there is a certain drug that works in your system, eventually snuffing the life out of you.. People slip it into drinks. Could that have happened to Joan Rivers? Is it also a probability that someone did not like Rivers' view on Palestine and slipped her a drug to kill her? That is also possible....
The Jewess directs our attention to Steve Bridges:
He was a comedienne [sic] who made fun of Obama. He is dead, now.
Oh, please. Based on this toothless material? This stuff makes Jay Leno sound like Lenny Bruce:

Plus, Bridges's family says on his own website that his untimely death at age 48 was due to natural causes. Which doesn't prevent the compiler of the Obama 'Dead Pool'" from assuming A Conspiracy So Vast:
Steve Bridges Dies At 48 - Impersonator Who Offended 0bama ...Steve Bridges as President Obama - August 2011 ....It appeared that he died of natural causes...: On the Steve Bridges website, they are now calling his death 'an accident"...that the probable cause of death was due to "upper airway anaphylaxis", caused by a severe allergic reaction.. --- CSI Show: Murder by anaphalaxis?... A real life example of possible murder by anaphalaxis
And now Joan Rivers. Who's next? Victoria Jackson, watch your back....