President Obama has been widely criticized for saying that ISIS is "not Islamic" -- but he just won't stop! Have you heard what he said on 60 Minutes tonight about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of ISIS?
"I hate to use the word 'heretics,' whatever the words of those types are, but to even call himself a Muslim is, to me, just ... the words that I just particularly don't want to use on this program.... I think to use the word 'Islam' and him in the same sentence is not acceptable. That he even speaks in the name of Islam for me is just so horrendous and so shocking."The head of ISIS, not Islamic? A heretic? Why does Obama persist in making this argument?
... Oh, wait -- that wasn't President Obama. It was King Abdullah II of Jordan. (This was before he said that the West should have intervened sooner to stop the spread of ISIS.)
Abdullah is a Sunni Muslim who is reputed to be a 43rd-generation direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad. But I'm sure Jonah Goldberg and Judge Jeanine Pirro are much more qualified to address this question than he is, right?