Monday, July 25, 2011


I don't know if President Obama and his team pay much attention to the Internet, but I suspect that even if they are aware of Paul Krugman's much-discussed blog post "President Pushover," they're probably also looking at the Human Events post "Barack the Mad," weighing the two of them together, and concluding that, yes, the president is exactly where he should be on the debt crisis.

I'm sure it wouldn't matter that Krugman's an economics Nobelist quoting a sharp-witted reportorial veteran and the Human Events post is from a Cheeto-eater who suggests that Cut, Cap and Balance is the only acceptable alternative to default and that Obama and the Democrats in Congress should have balanced the budget in 2009 and 2010, during the lowest point (at least so far) of an extremely severe recession. One "extreme" cancels the other out, so Obama's doing the right thing -- he's precisely in the middle!

Don't you think?

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