Friday, December 21, 2018


Republican cowards are still cowardly:
New York Times reporter and CNN contributor Maggie Haberman appeared on New Day Friday morning and revealed insight into the current turmoil in Washington D.C.

... Haberman reported that there was waning support for Trump from the right, saying “A number of conservatives who worked on the campaign and supported the president and now say, you know, I regret doing that, and this was a mistake, this administration is, you know, off the rails, and all of these investigations that are coming to a head will be a huge problem.”

She adding that these conservatives “disgusted” with details that have emerged from the Michael Cohen plea deal. In her eyes, investigations into Trump’s campaign are ”going to intensify as we get into the year” before bringing up impeachment. “It takes 20 Republican senators to vote in favor of impeachment. This could be a critical moment.”
Axios's Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen make the same point:
Another reason this is a historic week — and what President Trump should really worry about — is that lots of different Republicans have been turning on him over different topics.

Why it matters: A former Trump aide who asked to be described as "a Trump ally" told Axios that the sudden wave of criticism from the Hill over Syria and Mattis should scare the president because he would desperately need these lawmakers' support during a possible impeachment battle.
However, VandeHei and Allen add:
We talked all day yesterday with Republican officials, operatives and advisers who are truly scared for America.

But it's telling that few have the courage to say it publicly.
If they're all still terrified to speak out in public, then there's no way twenty of them will vote to convict in the Senate after an impeachment in a few months' time. Unless, of course, the Republican voter base gives them permission.

It still isn't happening. This week's polls are no different from last week's. Trump job approval among Republicans in the latest Economist/YouGov poll is 86%. It's 83% in the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll and 82% at Quinnipiac.

And the deplorables will probably rally around Trump once the government is shut down. There's still nothing that's likely to end this love affair.

So the fretful congressional Republicans have a choice: Risk your job or risk the safety and stability of the country. I know which choice I expect them to make.